Deeply Rooted
Floretum's 100 Year Timeline
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Founded in 1922, Floretum is the oldest garden club in the state of Washington.
Affiliated with the National Garden Clubs and Pacific Region, Floretum is an at-large member of the Washington State Federation of Garden Clubs.

History of the Edmonds Floretum Garden Club
Floretum Historian: ​Bettie Hugo

The Inception
The Floretum Society was established by Mrs. Anna V. Bassett as an official organization for men and women interested in all aspects of flowers. Mr. Alfred B Lewis, first President.
The Club was formed in August 1922 to beautify Main Street.
Floretum is the botanical term meaning 'place for flowers'.
The First Flower Show
Began sponsoring rose and dahlia shows. This continued for 30 years
First Plant Sale
The Yearbook was hand-painted and drawn. This was the Depression-era.

Handpainted and drawn yearbook of 1935. This is the earliest yearbook in our possession.
Sponsored Christmas decoration contest for yards.
1943, 1944, 1945
The flower gardens were dug up and replaced with vegetable gardens called “Victory Gardens” at the time.
Floretum has 45 members.

Club celebrates its 25th year anniversay.
Partnered with the Audubon Society to hold birdhouse building contest among school children.
Co-sponsored a Junior Gardening Contest
Floretum Garden Club aided in the beautification of Edmonds by filling 50 baskets with artificial flowers to be hung throughout the downtown area. This project was co-sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce. Artificial blooms were originally used because the city had no watering system.

Floretum celebrates its 50th Anniversary

Held the country's Bicentennial Harvest Festival at Old Milltown – which had 100 entries and many spectators.
Awarded the first annual horticulture scholarship in the amount of $300.
Partnered with city to plant corner beds

Donated the Christmas tree planted in Centennial Plaza downtown.
The Christmas tree planted in Centennial Plaza downtown, donated by Floretum
Began sponsoring Rhodeodendron Junior Garden Club at Madrona School
Awarded first place for the yearbook by the NCSGC (National Council of State Garden Clubs).
Diamond Jubilee
Celebrated the club's 75th Anniversary.
Donated first of many Chanticleer Pear trees for 7th Avenue.
Initiated Saturday workshops for the Edmonds community.
Adopted the maintenance of the plants at the Edmonds Sno-Isle library
Celebrated 85th anniversary with an exhibit at the Edmonds Historical Museum.
Made and raffled a ‘Blooming Tulips’ quilt for Old Mill Town renovation.

Members involved in sewing the quilt stand with it as a backdrop before the raffle.

A logo and pin were created in 2009
A logo was created for the club and a pin was made.
Established Edmonds Community Garden with 12 garden plots at Edmonds Christian Church (on 231st & 84th)

Groundbreaking at Old Mill Town
The Old Milltown Garden was renamed Hazel Miller Plaza and dedicated on June 12, 2012.

Floretum presidents, Mayor Earling, and other civic leaders at 2012 Dedication.
A bronze plaque installed at Hazel Miller Plaza showcased contributions made by many organizations, including Floretum and individual members of our club

The Bronze plaque showcasing contributors
Received a special award from the Washington State Recreation and Parks Department for our contribution to Edmonds Parks and Recreation.
Selected by Kiwanis Club as Edmonds’ Citizen of the Year.
Helped launch Chase Lake Elementary School Garden.

Donated drinking fountain to the City of Edmonds for 95th birthday; donated $1,000 to Veteran’s Memorial Park landscaping.

The State of Washington Recreation and Parks Association gave Floretum the highest recognition for its contribution to the city.

For the first time since the award’s inception, the Edmonds Kiwanis Club bestowed its Citizen of the Year honor to a group rather than an individual, announcing it selected the Edmonds Floretum Garden Club as Citizen of the Year for 2015.
The ceremonial brick has been installed in the plaza of Edmonds Historical Museum.
Donated drinking fountain to the City of Edmonds for 95th birthday
Golden Jubilee
25th Anniversary Yearbook
Joined with the Chamber of Commerce for "Best Improved Yard" contest
Directed planting of 26 Hemlock trees in downtown planters
Floretum planted the flowerbeds of the downtown fountain with the Chamber of Commerce, also donating $100 towards the purchase of the fountain sculpture.
Partnered with city to plant real flowers in hanging baskets

Photo - Tribune Review
Floretum Club posted a poll in the paper to select the city flower. The dahlia and the rose came in as a tie. The Floretum Club recommended the dahlia, and the city council approved.

Donated $12,000 to the Old Milltown Project, with many dedicated members providing time and money
Check presented to City for $12,000.
Participated in the groundbreaking at Old Mill Town garden, along with civic and city leaders.
Silver Jubilee


Handdrawn poster of the Harvest Festival

Floretum Members planting the flowerbeds of the downtown fountain.

The downtown fountain sculpture in 1972

Began online meetings due to the Covid pandemic.

Dedicated a plot in the P-Patch to grow produce for Food Bank
Floretum partnered with Snohomish Conservation District to create a P-Patch.
The original 1922 gravel used by the club

1997 yearbook

The club became a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation.
Planted two additional memorial pear trees on 7th Avenue for Floretum's 90th Anniversary and for those members the Club lost this year
Received numerous awards from the State, Region, and National organizations including the National Garden Club Award for the planters at the Hazel Miller Plaza.
Held first Zucchini growing contest
Began participating in the City’s 4th of July parade
​Held three weekends of children’s events with Kruckeberg Botanic Garden.
One hundred years and still growing!